Treasure Valley Community College (威尼斯人娱乐城) policies and procedures provide the College community with a written expression of the College's perspective on governance and context for decision making. 威尼斯人娱乐城 follows a prescribed policy development process for establishing both College and Board Policies which allows for proposals to be vetted by College leadership and the College community prior to implementation. 

To review a policy, click on any of the links below. All policies are in PDF form and will open in a new window.

BP 2010 Board of Education Membership
BP 2100 Board of Education Elections
BP 2110 Vacancies on the Board of Education
BP 2110AP Vacancies on the Board of Education
BP 2200 Board of Education Duties & Responsibilities
BP 2210 Board of Education Officers
BP 2220 Committees of the Board of Education
BP 2220AP Board Committees
BP 2305 Annual Organizational Meeting
BP 2305AP Annual Organizational Meeting
BP 2310 Regular Meetings of the Board of Education
BP 2315 Closed/Executive Sessions
BP 2320 Special and Emergency Meetings
BP 2320AP Special and Emergency Meetings
BP 2330 Quorum and Voting
BP 2340 Agendas
BP 2340AP Agendas
BP 2345 Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings
BP 2345AP Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings
BP 2355 Decorum and Parliamentary Procedure
BP 2360 Minutes
BP 2360AP Minutes
BP 2410 Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
BP 2410AP Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
BP 2430 Delegation of Authority to the President
BP 2431 Selection of the College President
BP 2432 Presidential Succession
BP 2433 Responsibilities of the President
BP 2435 Evaluation of the President
BP 2435AP Evaluation of the President
BP 2436 President's Consulting Activities
BP 2510 Participation in Local Decision-Making
BP 2610 Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals
BP 2610AP Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals
BP 2710 Conflict of Interest
BP 2710AP Conflict of Interest
BP 2712AP Conflict of Interest - Contracts
BP 2715 Code of Conduct & Ethics/Standards of Practice
BP 2716 Board of Education Political Activity
BP 2717 Personal Use of Public Resources - BOE
BP 2720 Communications Among Board of Education Members
BP 2721 Board-Employee Communications
BP 2725 Board of Education Member Compensation
BP 2735 Board of Education Member Travel
BP 2740 Board Member Education
BP 2740AP Board Member Education
BP 2745 Board of Education Self Evaluation
BP 6100 Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal Affairs
BP 6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures
BP 6200 Budget Preparation
BP 6250 Budget Management
BP 6300 Fiscal Management
BP 6320 Investments
BP 6330 Purchasing
BP 6400 Financial Audits
BP 6450 Wireless or Cellular Telephone Use
BP 6620 Naming Opportunities for Facilities, Classrooms, and Other College
BP 6750 Parking
BP 6900 Bookstore
D Table of Contents
DA Fiscal Management Goals
DB-AR Budget
DBDA Debt Guidelines
DBEA Budget Committee
DBK Appropriation Transfers
DF Fund Raising
DFA-AR Investment of Funds
DFC Grant Monitoring
DFCA Grant or Project Indirect Costs
DFEA Admission to Events
DG Depository for College Funds
DID-AR Fixed Asset Capitalization
DID Equipment Inventory
DJB-AR Front Counter Cash Drawer Balancing
DJB Petty Cash Procedures
DJD Online Auction Purchases/Sales and Payment Procedures
DK-AR Purchase Orders and Check Writing
DK Payment for Goods and Services
DL Payroll
DLB Tax Deferred Annuities
DLC-AR Travel Policy and Procedures
DLC Reimbursement of Travel and Transportation Expenses
DMA Refunds of Institutional Charges and Financial Aid
DMAA-AR(1) Return to Title IV (R2T4) Calculations
DMAA-AR(2) Student Status Change Reporting to National Student Loan Data
DMAA-AR(3) Notification of Title IV Disbursement and Cancellation Options
DMAA-AR(4) Calculation of Federal Pell Grants
DMAA Student Financial Assistance
DMB Tuition Waiver for Dependents of Veterans
DMBA Red Flag Rules - Tuition Accounts
DMC Testing Fees
DN Disposal of College Property
DPB Student Funds Disbursement
DPC Emergency Funding for Texts and Other Required Class Materials
AP 7800 Work After Retirement
BP 7370 Political Activity - Employees
BP 7800 Work After Retirement
G Table of Contents
GA Personnel Goals
GAA Employee Group
GAB Position Descriptions
GAC Probationary Period
GB Requirements of Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
GBA Equal Opportunity: Nonharassment and Anti-discrimination
GBB-AR Application Procedures
GBB Hiring Practices
GBC Outside or Secondary Employment
GBDA Mother Friendly Workplace
GBEA-AR Early Return to Work
GBEA Workers Compensation Insurance
GBEBAA/JHCCBA/EBBAB-AR Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
GBEBAA/JHCCBA/EBBAB Bloodborne Pathogens
GBEC-AR Drug-Free Schools and Community Act
GBEC Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
GBECA Employee Assistance Program
GBI Gifts and Solicitations
GBJ-AR Operating Procedures for Use of College Cell Phones
GBL Personnel Records
GBM Staff Complaints and Appeals
GBMA Whistleblower
GBN/JBA-AR(1) Procedures for Supportive Measures
GBN/JBA-AR(2) Procedures for Resolving Title IX Policy Violations
GBN/JBA-AR(3) Appeals for Title IX Policy Violations
GBN/JBA Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence
GBNA/JFCF-AR Staff and Student Complaint Procedures for Hazing, Harassment
GBNA/JFCF Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Menacing
GBNAA/JFCFA Cyberbullying
GBNB/JBAB Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Vio
GCA Minimum Qualifications and Equivalency/Instructors
GCABB Work from Home
GCBA Professional Contracts
GCBC/GDBC-AR(1) Tuition Waiver
GCBC/GDBC-AR(2) Domestic Partner Agreement
GCBC/GDBC Employee Benefits
GCBDA/GDBDA Family Leave
GCI/GDI Employees Working at Snake River Correctional Institution
GCL/GDL Professional Growth
GCN-AR Adjunct Faculty Evaluation Process
GCN/GDN Adjunct Faculty and Staff Evaluations
GCPC/GDPC-AR Process for Re-employment after PERS Retirement
GD Professional Development
GDBC-AR Health Insurance Eligibility
GDBD Leaves of Absence
GDBE Paid Leave
BP 5500 Standards of Student Conduct
J Table of Contents
JB Equal Educational Opportunity
JBA/GBN-AR(1) Sexual Harassment Complaint Measures
JBA/GBN-AR(2) Procedures for Resolving Title IX Policy Violations
JBA/GBN Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence
JBA\GBN-AR(3) Appeals for Title IX Policy Violations
JBAB/GBNB Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence
JEC-AR(1) Placement and Employment Obtained by Graduates
JEC-AR(2) Retention Rate Information
JEC General Admissions
JECA Housing
JECAA Residence Hall Early Move-In and Noninstructional Break Stays
JECAB Emergency Funding for Texts and Other Required Class Materials
JECB-AR HDEV 112, 120 Student Routing Diagram
JECB Required Freshman Courses
JECBA International Students
JECBB/IKB Standards of Academic Progress for Recipients of Financial Aid
JECBC Academic Residence Requirement for Graduation
JECBD/IKA Grading System
JECC In-State Residency for Native American Residents
JECDA Credit by Examination
JECDAA 威尼斯人娱乐城 Veterans Transfer of Credit
JECDB Student Deficiency Notices
JECE Student Military Leave of Absence
JECEA Exit Counseling Policy
JED Honor Roll Recognition
JF/JFA Rights and Freedoms of Students
JFAA Minors and College Courses (On Campus/Online)
JFC Student Code of Conduct
JFCA/KK/INGA Children on Campus (Non Students)
JFCF/GBNA-AR Staff and Student Complaint Procedures for Hazing, Harassment
JFCF/GBNA Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Menacing
JFCFA/GBNAA Cyberbullying
JFCH Substance Abuse
JFCHA Student Athlete Substance Use Policy
JFHA Student Complaints
JHCB Immunization Requirements for Community College Students
JHCCBA/EBBAB/GBEBAA-AR Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
JHCCBA/EBBAB/GBEBAA Bloodborne Pathogens
JHFE-AR(1) Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
JHFE-AR(2) Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on College Premises
JHFE Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
JI Student Awards and Scholarships
JIA College Bookstore Charges
JKCK Student Amnesty Policy
JO-AR Education Records Management**
JO Education Records
JOA Directory Information
JOB Personally Identifiable Information**

威尼斯人娱乐城 Drone Usage Policy & Procedure

In order to maintain compliance with the Department of Aviation, 威尼斯人娱乐城 has posted a copy of 威尼斯人娱乐城 policy ECACB and a copy of the 威尼斯人娱乐城 procedure on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, as well as a link for the Public records conditionally exempt from disclosure. (ORS 192.35)

College closing process due to inclement weather or other emergency situations

It is the intent of Treasure Valley Community College to maintain regularly scheduled operations. Unless the campus is unsafe or utility systems are malfunctioning, we will strive to be open and operational.Campus Closure Policy

The following symbol is used on some policies:

** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005 (4) and 125.300 - 125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.